and New Years day with the 'extended family'...

I haven't visited my cousin house for ages...!!! (last time was in Austin, Texas - i think!!! ouch!) During the Christmas 06 trip I made sure to that I visit them. With my brother Iksa as the designated driver.
It turned into a great visit because others were there, too: Yanti, Linda, Benno and Pingkan... Tari served a Menadonese lunch... SUPERB food! Fish and the dabu-dabu was yummy!!!
Photos taken by Adilla... See you next year... ... See my Tabblo>
We met Herman and Elly at Lesti's wedding... and i'd like to think of them of good friends now. What makes it even better is the fact that we've met their daughters and their families (and also friends)... and we liked them all...!!!
This Christmas they all came to celebrate it in Jakarta... and also make time to come to my birthday party....
... See my Tabblo>
We celebrate Christmas at Mom's younger sister's house - just a few house down from Mom's. It was planned or anything... but we were just there...
Roy and his family from Makassar happened to be visiting. Isn't it nice to spend Christmas with your families...? ... See my Tabblo>