Temperature is getting lower, slowly but surely, and December 7th will be the official date for the start of winter. We went to buy a few long sleeves t-shirts and jerseys - for things just to wear around the house. Coming from the tropics where it's warm and sunny - we have to adjust quickly to this cold and they say wet winter. Hopefully the adjustment will be smooth. We have yet to get our flu shots, couldn't do it last week as we have a bit of a cold (again because of the weather change after the 2weeks holiday in Bali).
Indi seems to learn a lot at school. He's now able to write his name, just his name - not the family name or anything,... we're so happy that he's taking little steps toward reading and writing. From what the teacher told me, he loves it when he's the teacher's helper - so he tries to sit nicely, quietly and do what he's got to do so he will be appointed as the teacher's helper... I wish he's like that at home... :-)
Now that it's getting colder we could't spent to much time outside, instead we do more 'Play-Doh's and just playing inside the house, and yes television or DVDs.
I imagine things are getting better now, as we're almost finished with the house - only a few more pictures to hang, but it's okay.. we'll take our time. My first level of Mandarin lessons are coming to an end this week, and I will not be doing a 3 times a week lessons for the next level, just 2 times. So I can have more times to do other stuff... and more time to sent e-mails and write the blog... :-)
Indi goes to Soccer/ Football practice every Friday, he loves to kick the ball and run around... but don't ask him to roll on the grass or touch the grass.. :-) he said it's full of worms... Will take the camera next time he's in the field, so you can see how 'happy and excited' he is with the game...
I'll post some pictures now, as I know that's what you want to see... :-) Hoping you're all well...