That day he went to school and told his teacher that it was his birthday - and as I didn't bring any cake to school, the teacher organize with people from the school cafetaria for a cake. They all sing Happy Birthday and help make Indi celebrate at school, the teacher gave Indi 4 stickers and was being extra nice to him. He can't stop telling me about the cake and the singing when I picked him up from school.
Robert came home pretty early to make sure he can spend some time with Indi. We had dinner and the brownies that I baked (Indi loves brownies - or anything that's chocolate for that matter!). He loves it blowing the candle that he insisted to blow two times... after that we opened some presents.. These presents are from his party in Singapore...
Love all the pics yes I have been feeling the cold and the ups and down temperture here in melbourne, Miranda and myself wearing lots more clothes.
Looks like Indi had a good birthday
lots of love to you all
Jennette and family
Hi there just wondering if the cake is a chocolate slice looks like there is lollies on top off it you will have to post how to bake it so we can give it a try for Miranda will show her the pics Indi looks like he would have loved it.
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