We arrived safely at the busy airport, and Robert met us there. Everything was so exciting for Indi. The moment we landed his eyes are wide open and looking at everything - observing the hussle and bustle of the busy airport. Silly me i forgot to take indi's stroller when we get off the plane, so i have to report to lost & found. They deliver it later on at night (22.30!)...
Anyways, the first couple of days we were busy unpacking. Making sure that most of the things are out of the boxes. Glad we have a 'helping hand'... or more! Purwati was just never tired. I don't think the house will be tidy so fast if it's only me & rob.
It was good to arrive on a week-end. We spend a lot of time at home, and a bit exploring the supermarket/ grocery scene. Robert is a bit familiar with the area already, so it helps.
Come Monday and we tried to do our own shopping... hahaha! Took the bus, missed the bus stop, went on to the central station. Thought of going to the local market, BUT i don't speak the language! AND they always thought that i do!
So, feeling frustrated, purwati, indi and i hop in a taxi and just go to the supermarket. Easier! Much easier!
We have our first guest over the week end... and here's what we ask them to do :-)

.... cook breakfast! & move the furnitures around... !!!
but we did do other things as well... went to two fashion shows, tried a russian restaurant, walk in the botanical garden, dinner at clarke quay (with Tinneke), and took indi for his swim...

The move does have a big affect on indi. He's still not 'at home' yet. The first week i can see that he's scared to do things on his own. Always wanting someone to be close to him. BUT once outside, especially at the swimming pool - he's a happy kid! Always looking around, observing and not scared of anything... well, almost!
Indi love walking so much and doesn't like to hop on his stroller. Doesn't complain, even if the weather is hot and humid. Sometimes i'm the one who's worried that his tiny little feet would be too tired to carry him, but he loves walking so much. Guess that gives him his sense of freedom...
Elly & Herman's visit did change him, it helps to see a familiar face. My hope and prayer is that it won't be long that indi will feel at home and not afraid of the new strange sound around him.... Amen!
Good news is indi is now sleeping longer at night... :-) very good news. Once he even slept from 9pm to 6am. Back home he would wake up every 3 or 4 hours. Guess the walking, and heat makes him tired.
He also eats better. Learn to feed himself and everything. Speaks more words... maybe it's an advantage. Moving to a new environment encourage him to communicate more and better.