Wednesday, June 07, 2006

From Our Bedroom Window

Here's the view from our bedroom window... the playground... so it's easy for me to check on Indi whenever he's at the playground...

And here's indi walking down the steps while carrying his new hat...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It looks like great play ground.
miranda would love to be that close
to a playground. he must be very good
at climbing by now.
Nan and Ted will see this one later,
they send their love and said to give Indi a kiss and cuddle from them.
Miranda is sick today, has come down
with a cold will have to keep her home
from pre school tommorrow.Indi looks
very tiny in the playgrond.
I will let our neice coralea know to look at the webb site. WE all say hello to Robert. wil get John to set up our webb site properly so you can
see some of Miranda's recent ones.
anyway see you soon get in photo,with
Robert and Indi.