Monday, October 23, 2006

Nan n Pa (n tricicle)

The Young Ones...

Tabblo: The Young Ones...

Indi and his cousins....

He loves playing with them... they're very good with him, very patient and caring...

In the end, he's still a baby - needs his bottle and all :-) ... See my Tabblo>

Robert's Birthday...

Tabblo: Robert's Birthday...

It has been some time that Robert celebrates his birthday in Australia. This time he's got three celebration for his birthday...

First at Trevor and Jenny's, at Mark's house, and at Mum & Ted's place.... isn't it grand?

That night we went out for dinner with Mum, Ted, Brenda and Matthew. And had the birthday cake which Brenda and Matthew brought at home...

Happy Birthday Robert...! Hip Hip Hooray...!! ... See my Tabblo>

... with Mark...

Tabblo: ... with Mark...

Mark has kindly let us stay at his place, and Indi loves Mark. Why? Because every morning Mark will take Indi out to the playground!

Even when we got back home Indi can easily spot Mark on the pictures, and ask to see Mark's pictures again and again. Yes, he remembers the guy who took him to the playground...

Picture on the left is Mark and Sabine and Indi... ... See my Tabblo>

Barbeque at Trevor and Jenny's....

Tabblo: Barbeque at Trevor and Jenny's....

Trevor and Jenny invited us over for Barbeque...

Their kids are just adorable... especially the girls... they take care of Indi and play with him that he feels at home and not bored...

He even went on the trampoline...!

Barbeque was delicious!!! ... See my Tabblo>

Miniature Railway..

Tabblo: Miniature Railway..

We went to the Miniature Railway at Eltham... it was fun for Indi, Daddy and Mama, too...

You buy the ticket, queue to get into the train, go round the track, stop and let other trains pass, go thru the tunnels, crossings... It even has the steam coming out! Just like the real thing... the only thing is it's mini...

Choo... choo...!!! ... See my Tabblo>

Sunday, October 22, 2006 the fair with Darren...

Melbourne Zoo (photos from)

Tabblo: Melbourne Zoo (photos from)

Here's more photos from our Melbourne Zoo visit...

Not much of the animals... maybe I'll post them later... or not.

Indi loves the animals... but he also loves the people watching them... ... See my Tabblo>

Indi - Stroller - on the Street... what he'll do...

Saturday, October 21, 2006


I noticed Tabblo has changed their system... they don't post the whole picture in the blog, you have to double click (or is it only click) at the "see more at tabblo".... which I think is fair.... they should encourage people to visit their website, not only peek thru 'blogger's'. .... the process in creating the tabblo is easier though... so in general I think they're doing a good job...


Keeping In Touch

What I want to do was to post more individual pictures from our Melbourne trip, but seems like it's not going to happen. There's a lot of photos to share and stories to tell, and yet so little time.

Since we got back Indi has caught a cold which turns to bronchitis that leads to ear infection, was well for a few days and then now he's got his bout of coughs again ... and Asthma.
The doctor has confirmed that he's asthmatic... good news is it'll get better with age... He's now using the puff/ inhaler, and in the future if he starts 'coughing and wheezing' he will be on puff again.
Let's just hope that it's not going to turn to bronchitis again.... my fingers are crossed.
(There's a few kids in our condo that has the same thing.... with kids it's just contagious... well, they see each other at the playground every day....)

And then there's the HAZE... that's also the trigger for his asthma... we never thought that we will say this, but at the moment 'air quality back in Jakarta is better than here!'....

Robert starts to travel again ( a LOT of travelling between last week and our Christmas holiday!).... but this time I have my cousin and my mom staying and keeping us company. It's a great help to have someone else here.... only when he's sick or sleepy would Indi look for me. And when he does, all he wants me to do is carry him.... I'm beginning to have a bad back because of it.... :-)

We're really hoping that the Haze will be gone soon... both my mom and I has started to cough as well.... we're popping ourselves with vitamins and supplement.... need to be healthy...

Well... that's the news for now... we'll keep in touch, and I'll put more tabblo's up... that thing helps me post the pictures a lot!

Hope you're all well and missing you all...


Sociable Indi

Tabblo: Sociable Indi

Indi is a very social person... well, sometimes... nope, most of the times...

We went to Melbourne Zoo and he'll just start making contacts with other kids, join their group or just hang out with them...

We wonder what language he's using... :-)
I guess smile, sincerity and enthusiasm speaks for itself...

That's our little boy!

(all pictures taken at Melbourne Zoo)

... See my Tabblo>

Indi and Rides

Tabblo: Indi and Rides

Whenever Indi sees a kiddie ride, he'll run and hop into it.
If someone's there, he'll patiently wait... (my not that patient)...

Here in this tiny little island, when he founds a dollar coin, he'll say 'car!'... ... See my Tabblo>

Warrook Farm

Tabblo: Warrook Farm

Here's the rest of the photos from Warrook Farm...

It was a great visit for all of us, we spend 5 hours of exploring...

Oh what a great time! ... See my Tabblo>

Monday, October 02, 2006

Sheep Shearing

Part of the tour is to see a demonstration of sheep shearing.

And here's how Indi and Robert's face look like when the demonstration was going on...


We got a chance to learn how to crack the whip... everybody that is, excluding me... :-)
Indi tried very hard and you can see people smiling at his determination... :-)


The staff at Warrook Farm was very friendly, especially to young children. Indi got a special treatment.... he's allowed to enter the baby kangaroo area and help her feed baby Roo....

Milking the Cow..

We got a chance to milk the cow and drink the fresh milk (how much fresher can it be?)...

... indi's hesitating to drink the milk, while Robert's hand still has some drops from milking the cow...

Feeding Time....

The first tour was to feed the calves and lambs. Indi loves feeding them. The sheep is his favourite, after we finished feeding the calves and lambs (or at least i thought we were finished)... Indi ran back and feed the lambs again (that's the last picture).

Horse - Warrook Farm

The first animal Indi encountered was a horse. At first he's afraid to touch it. Needs daddy and mama's encouragement before he finally touch the horse.
They don't let visitors ride the horse anymore, the insurance is too high and complicated for it.... a pity.