Saturday, October 21, 2006


I noticed Tabblo has changed their system... they don't post the whole picture in the blog, you have to double click (or is it only click) at the "see more at tabblo".... which I think is fair.... they should encourage people to visit their website, not only peek thru 'blogger's'. .... the process in creating the tabblo is easier though... so in general I think they're doing a good job...


1 comment:

Ned Batchelder said...

Thanks for using Tabblo. We do want people to click through to, but we also want you to be happy with the results.

There's kind of a back door to get a full image: (replace the number with your tabblo's id). You can even adjust the width: add ?w=300 to the end of the URL.

For example, here's a 300-pixel wide image of your birthday picnic tabblo:
